about the author

Graham John is 83 years old and has had several occupations including five years in the Royal Air Force as an engine mechanic (turbine). All other occupations have been as an engineer in one form or in another. He has written many poems and short stories, some of which are published. Graham is married with two daughters, three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.The Kindling Chronicle is the first of a series of five books already completed. He is currently writing a follow-up story, taking place some years after the initial series of books.

about the book

A man was driving a lorry when it broke down. He got out of the cab to see if he could repair the lorry when a massive blast overturned it and rendered him unconscious. When he awoke, the world was on fire and he found some shelter in a partially ruined building. He remained there for some days before finally walking away to try to find other survivors.

He found a small family and helped them in their difficulties. He realised then that his future mission in life was to find more survivors and help them as much as possible.



Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....



Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


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